Ultimately, a test plan in software development establishes the test strategy, objectives, and scope of your testing team, which are designed to guarantee that all software components are thoroughly tested prior to release.
To develop an effective test plan, adhere to these six steps:
Establish the scope of the release:
It is crucial to establish the scope of testing for your release prior to any test activity. This entails the identification of the features or functions that must be incorporated into the release, the consideration of any constraints or dependencies that may impact the release, and the determination of the release’s classification.
The release scope can be defined by asking the following questions:
Are there any novel features that are being introduced in this version?
What constitutes the risk areas?
What are some of the most challenging areas in which you have observed regressions in the past?
What sort of release is it? Is this a bug-fixing maintenance release? Is this a minor feature release? Is this a significant feature release?
What does it mean for your team to be “done”?
For instance, what information would you request if your organization has recently launched a new e-commerce site and wishes to conduct a test prior to its official launch?
Whether it involves conversing with developers to comprehend the project’s scope or collaborating with a product manager to demonstrate new functionalities and user flow, defining the scope guarantees that precise information is exchanged and that there is a shared comprehension of the product’s objectives, features, and expectations.
Timelines for scheduling:
Indicate the release deadlines to assist in the determination of your testing schedule and routine. The following are some guidelines for establishing timelines:
To comprehend the present release schedule, consult your project manager.
Examine the schedules and release periods that have been implemented in the past.
Extraneous components should be taken into account: Is it necessary for the publication to align with external factors, such as conferences or events? Incorporate those into your projection of the release date.
It is important to take into account the development timelines: Your development team may have a predetermined schedule for completing development work. Ensure that you understand the timeframe in order to modify the testing schedule.
Increase the amount of flexibility: It is not uncommon to experience unforeseen delays. Including additional time to account for unforeseen circumstances can assist in adhering to your plan.
Review and revise the schedule on a regular basis to guarantee that the test timetable is feasible.
Define the objectives of the test:
A test objective is a rationale or purpose for the development and execution of a test. Ultimately, these objectives serve to define and direct the scope of testing activities.
The following are examples of general test objectives:
Defect identification and reporting
Evaluating novel capabilities
A specific extent of test coverage
Objectives for particular categories of testing may include:
Functional testing objectives: Guarantee that the software functions as intended. Examples of objectives for this objective include the validation of user workflows, the verification of input/output parameters, and the processing of data.
Performance testing objectives: Guarantee that the software is capable of managing a variety of burdens and is efficient. Examples of objectives for this objective include the verification of software scalability, throughput, and reaction time.
Objectives of security testing: To identify vulnerabilities in the software. Examples of objectives for this objective include the identification of potential hazards and the verification of authentication and authorization features.
Objectives of usability testing: Emphasize user experience and simplicity of use. Examples of objectives for this objective include the identification of user-related issues, the verification of user flow, and the validation of software accessibility.
Measure testing using the appropriate metrics
Metrics evaluate the overall quality of a release, the progress of your testing, and the efficacy of your testing (for a specific test cycle or the entire testing process).
Ultimately, they assist your team in determining whether your release is prepared for shipment by offering visibility into your testing procedure and overall product quality. The following are a few metric formulas that perhaps warrant your attention:
Density of Defects
Defect Density is calculated by dividing the defect count by the extent of the release (in lines of code).
For instance, the defect density of your software is 0.01 defects per line of code if it contains 150 defects and 15,000 lines of code.
Test Coverage
Test Coverage = 100 / (Total number of requirements mapped to test cases / Total number of requirements).
Defect Detection Efficiency (DDE)
DDE is calculated by dividing the total number of defects by the percentage of defects detected during a phase.
Market Time
TTM is the duration of time required for your organization to transition from the concept phase to the product launch phase.
Identify the deliverables of the exercise:
Test deliverables are the results of testing that facilitate the monitoring of testing progress. The deliverables should be scheduled in a manner that is consistent with the requirements of your project and client, be identified in a timely manner, and be included in the test plan. At each stage of the software development lifecycle, there are distinct test deliverables. Prior to, during, and subsequent to testing, it is crucial to prioritize the following deliverables:
Prior to conducting the examination
Documentation for the test plan: The test plan delineates the testing endeavor’s scope, objectives, and approach.
Test suite: Test cases demonstrate the process of conducting a test, which includes the input data, anticipated output, and pass/fail criteria.
Test design and environment specifications: The test environment delineates the hardware and software configurations that are employed during the testing process.
During the assessment process
Test log: The test log maintains a record of the outcomes of each test case, including the resolutions and issues that were encountered.
Defect report: A defect report is a document that categorizes testing issues according to their severity, priority, and reproducibility.
Test data: The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) defines test data as data that is either generated or selected to meet the execution preconditions and input content necessary to execute one or more test cases.
Test summary report: The test summary report includes the number of tests that were performed, passed, and failed, as well as any open defects.
Following the evaluations,
Test completion report: Outlines the testing scope, product quality, and lessons learned.
Report on user acceptance testing (UAT): Indicates any issues that were identified and resolved.
Release notes: Provide a comprehensive list of the contents of the release. Examples include any new features that are being developed, advancements, or repairs.
The content and structure of a test plan are contingent upon its context. Companies can deliver high-quality software by adhering to best practices for test plan development, despite the fact that there is no one cookie-cutter approach to test plan writing.
Formulate the test strategy:
Test strategy is instrumental in determining the expense and effort of testing, as well as the features that are in-scope (i.e., planned for testing) and out-of-scope (i.e., not planned for testing).
Determine the categories of testing that are conducted
Identifying the appropriate testing method, the scope of automated tests, the amount of work required to create new test cases, and the individuals responsible for this work are all crucial. Additionally, it is important to determine when to perform each category of testing.
The inclusion of a variety of testing types in your test plan may be contingent upon a number of factors.
Examples of factors to take into account when selecting the appropriate testing type to conduct include:
Objectives of the examination
The feature requirements of your endeavor
The intricacy of your product
The levels of experience within your personnel
Budget and time constraints
The following are frequently employed forms of testing that you may wish to incorporate into your test plan:
Manual Testing Automated Testing Other
• Smoke testing
• Investigative testing
• Testing the usability of new features• Unit testing
• Regression testing for existing features
• Performance testing • Integration testing
• Security testing
• Testing for accessibility
Ensure that hazards and issues are documented
Documenting the potential hazards that may arise during testing and their consequences is crucial. Potential hazards may encompass:
Strict schedules
Inadequate or inaccurate budget projections
Appalling administration
Issues with the code
Changes in the corporate environment
Limited testing resources
Delays that were not anticipated during the testing process
Record the logistics of the test:
The logistics of the test should address the following questions: “Who, what, where, when, and how.” The availability of all human and system-related testing resources is guaranteed by the documentation of test logistics. For instance, it may be crucial for your team to determine who is available to conduct testing and who will provide assistance if necessary during the testing process. Additionally, in order to guarantee that your project is successfully completed, it may be advantageous to incorporate alternative resources or allocate leisure into your resource planning.
Define the criteria for the test:
A standard that governs all activities within a testing endeavor is known as Test Criteria. Suspension and exit criteria are the two primary categories of test criteria.
Suspension Criteria: Specifies the circumstances under which all tests may be suspended.
Exit Criteria: Exit criteria are predetermined objectives or objectives that indicate the conclusion of a test phase. The exit criteria of a test are the predetermined results that must be met in order to advance to the subsequent testing phase. For instance, a feature must pass 92% of all critical test cases before it can be considered suitable for release to your consumers.